A small game made by 2 people as part of a Boss Rush Jam 2025.

The game is optimized for 1280x720 resolution and, unfortunately, may not display correctly in other windows. 


You are a novice sorcerer who decided to go through a magic trial on the spin magic. To do this, you need to defeat 3 bosses.

We use a mix of genres such as top-down shooter and bullet hell games with an arcade game such as Breakout.


Mouse + keyboard

- WASD for basic controls 

- Left mouse click for main weapon

- Right mouse click for secondary weapon

- And SPACE for start in battle

Our Team

KayaHellya - programming, testing, and more!

KurosShiro -  game design, visual style, and all art.

Assets list

Other assets and their authors used in the project

- Gran Batalla by xXUnderTowerXx
- msx1 by Kresiek The Furry


spinfinity(win).zip 33 MB

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